Dental floss, tooth between them in terms of remaining a very useful tool to remove food residues. Starting from a very young age need to learn the proper techniques of brushing and using dental floss.
After brushing the teeth and the gum line between the teeth with dental floss to remove food residue remaining is used. This is the most important causes of decay residues.
1. Thirty centimeters is dental floss. The other end of a section of floss middle finger of one hand middle finger of the other hand, wanders. Should remain a part of the rope in the middle.
2. Itilir.İp backwards with the index finger in the middle part of the remaining rope, passed through the teeth. During this movement should not be hard. After downloading gums up the rope towards the oral cavity between the teeth to scrape downloaded. In the meantime, care should be taken to cut the gums.
3. The same procedure was repeated for the other a piece of rope on the lower teeth.
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