Personal hygiene of the body and many diseases are prevented. To give a few examples, diarrheal diseases, colds, skin, infectious diseases, skin fungus, parasites, such as scabies and head lice, and some allergic diseases are illnesses caused. Proper cleansing the body and eliminating many skin problems and disease prevention measure.
Other personal hygiene habits to prevent body odor is a problem. Body odor body on the surface of microbes (bacteria) rip occurs due to perspiration. First constituent parts of the body odor feet, groin and axillae dense hair follicles. The absence of a bath every day before armpits with a soapy cloth, then wiped and cleaned thoroughly with water. And then applied to the skin a deodorant or antiperspirant. Deodorants only masks the smell. Therefore, as a means of cleaning not be evaluated as a temporary application. Clothing pervasive smell of sweat, body, even when cleaning, cleaning the re-use of the same suit, if that's permanent. Therefore, care must be taken when using common unwashed especially thick sweaters. Would mean that the increase in the rate of sweating, increased body odor. However, after a while people duyarsızlaşır their breath. Cause an increase in the amount of sweat from the body of intense physical work. No more than physical activity, although some individuals may be more sweat gland secretion. This situation may arise in particular in cases of puberty and menopause.
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