7 Mart 2013 Perşembe


The hair from the roots to grow a hair-growing hairs in the skin of the head. Fatty substances secreted by glands in the roots of the hair structure.

In order to have healthy hair should be washed on a regular basis. Brushing your hair shed hair, dirt and dust repellent function. Normal hair needs to be washed once or twice a week at least. Oily hair should be washed more often. After rinsing thoroughly with clean water before drying the hair gently screened. Your hair should be dried with a soft towel. The drying process should be soft. If you use a hard or very severe ovulursa hair in a towel spawned ends. Electric hair dryers and dried. However, being kept very close to the hair dryer is required. In this case, more heat can negatively affect the scalp and hair.

Used in the soaps and shampoos to wash your hair easy to essence creates a substance melting fat-soluble properties. Shampoos also odor, color and materials are added to the condenser. These additional ingredients may cause irritation of the scalp. Some of the ingredients used in shampoos available in the market may cause allergic reactions. For this reason, the selection of shampoo, nature unknown substances should be avoided.

If you have dandruff, hair bottoms, often with very warm water and soap to wash can be helpful. After rinsing the hair thoroughly with plenty of water, consult a healthcare facility or dandruff can not be prevented. Physician recommendation is claimed to be beneficial for the hair material may not be safe outside. Hair brushes and combs used for cleaning the personal should be washed with hot soapy water and rinsed frequently. Hair cleaning and outside the health benefit scheme, the relationship between people and feel good about yourself that have an impact in terms of favorable external appearance is also important.  

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